Park Legacy Program

To request a Tribute Tree or brick memory paver, please complete the form below.  For more information, please call 303-722-6262 or email

Your Information

Tribute Trees

Choosing a Planting Location

Please submit THREE SITE ID options for each Tribute Tree.

Please note:

Once you have submitted site ID choices, you have until the request deadline (January 31st or July 31st, depending on your request date) to change your mind about your site preferences. Please take the time to visit the locations of your requests to ensure that you are happy with the sites - trees will not be transplanted after planting in order to best promote their survival. 

Tribute Tree Information

Please enter your THREE preferred Site ID #'s separated by commas. Ex. "19065, 19034, 19030"

Tribute Pavers

All pavers are installed in the Hazel Gates Woodruff Tribute Garden, just behind the Eugene Field House on the eastern edge of Washington Park (near the intersection of South Franklin Street and Exposition Avenue).

Tribute Paver Information

Paver text includes 3 lines that will be centered on the brick. Each line may include up to 20 characters (including spaces and punctuation) in lowercase font, or 16 if in all capital letters). Please type in all capital letters if that is how you would like it to appear on the paver.

Billing Information

Order Summary

Grand Total

Credit Card Information